
Clean Room

Clean Room

We took an innovative production layout approach at PlasticProgress Pharma Packaging, by placing the injection and injection-blow moulding machines outside our main ISO Class 7 cleanroom.

Each machine has the injection area and the conveyor belt feeding the main cleanroom enclosed in cabinets, equipped with HEPA filters and kept under pressure with a constant laminar airflow. These areas are regularly audited and certified as ISO Class 5 cleanrooms, in compliance with ISO 14644-1 standards.

This allows for an improved performance in changing and adjusting moulds, whilst improving the higyene and quality of our products. 

Packaging and sealing is performed in our main ISO Class 7 cleanroom, regularly audited and certified according to ISO 14644-1 standards.

Our main cleanroom facilities are under permanent surveillance for temperature, pressure and humidity control, and documented records are kept for 5 years.

PlasticProgress Pharma Packaging is specialized in the manufacture of primary plastic packaging and Class I medical devices for the pharmaceutical industry.